Meredith Takes DC

Updates from my semester in Washington DC

Week Two February 19, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 9:22 am

I met the president of the company. SO COOL! He even gave me work to do for him which made me feel super special.

This week I realized how hard it is to cook for yourself. The first two weeks we were going out to eat every night, but that’s too expensive. And cooking? It’s not easy to juggle between class and work. Thank goodness for crockpots šŸ™‚

On Sunday, we went on a walking tour for my class. We saw the Octagon House, built by John Tayloe – a man who allegedly killed his two daughters because they had eloped and didn’t get his permission. But the house was the first one built in what is now Washington DC! We also say the Blair House where friends of the president stay, theĀ DecaturĀ house (they were friends of many important people, but Mr. Decatur died in a gun dual), and the Old Post OfficeĀ Pavilion. Worst elevator ride EVER. But worth it for the view.


We also hosted an event at the Rayburn House for a client this week! For those reading who aren’t familiar with the DC area, the Rayburn House is a part of Capitol Hill where politicians have their offices. It was so exciting to be there – I could feel the political buzz! Also, here is where I had my first lesson in networking. Basically, all you need to do is talk to people. How weird is that?

My boyfriend, Tim, cam to visit for the weekend! We hung out with his brother mostly, but we got to see the Natural History museum! It was just great to see him again. I guess I kinda missed him…

Timmy as a caveman

Timmy as a caveman

Hippos - my favorite!

Hippos – my favorite!

The Hope Diamond

The Hope Diamond


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