Meredith Takes DC

Updates from my semester in Washington DC

Week Six March 16, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 9:16 pm

This week was extremely busy!  Tim visited for  whole seven days, so we did all the touristy things around the city. The day he drove down, we walked the entire National Mall … which is much bigger than we both thought.


A very rude squirrel who took my seat

A very rude squirrel who took my seat

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On the second day Tim was here, we went to the zoo! This has to be my favorite place in the city … minus the gorillas who eat their own vomit. It was a beautiful day for a walk in the zoo though. I even got my first sunburn of the year!

A peacock who really wanted to fight

A peacock who really wanted to fight

my new favorite animal - the red panda

my new favorite animal – the red panda

Monday after programming, we ran over to the American History museum, which now closes at five so we only had an hour to look around. We did see most of the third floor though, including the C SPAN First Lady’s exhibit! They have inaugural ball dresses from a lot of the first ladies along with other items the first ladies had. We made it over to see the monuments at night and resisted the urge to yell at the 5 million disrespectful children running around. They were all gone by 9 though, so we got some quiet time.

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my fascination with Lincoln continues ...

my fascination with Lincoln continues …

We then found time to make it over to Arlington National Cemetery, where I got my second sunburn of the year. We saw where JFK and the rest of the Kennedy’s are buried, the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and we saw my grandmother’s cousin’s grave!

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In case you were wondering, I did work this week. I just had so much fun with Timmy that I’d rather brag about our adventure than work 🙂 Unfortunately by Wednesday night I was feeling a little sick from not sleeping very much, so I missed class and took a half day on Thursday. This week, I will be 100% for both though!



Week Five … I think March 9, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 5:40 am

I’m posting this before week five is officially over. Tim is coming tomorrow and I don’t want to forget to post! I don’t like counting the weeks because that reminds me how little time I have left in DC. Also, because I’m never sure if we should count the first week as one or not. Basically, I’m guessing at this point and we’ll just go with it’s week five. Don’t argue with the blogger.

At work this week, I got to write my first real-life press release! For me, press releases are the best of both worlds because it combines PR and Journalism. Even though I learned how to write press releases in school (thanks to Professor Wef!) I was still nervous that I would not do it right. So I used an old press release for reference and jumped into it. My supervisor told me that I wrote a good draft, so that was uplifting!

Thursday we had a meeting for civic engagement where people came in and told us about their organizations and how we can volunteer. They were all wonderful organizations and I wish I could volunteer with them all! I will be adding an animal welfare page on here once I get all the information I can find, so hang tight if you want to help animals too! I don’t have any pictures for the week, so I’ll just post one of my best friend, Grace, who is a rescue 🙂

I can't wait to be home and snuggling with my buddy!

I can’t wait to be home and snuggling with my buddy!

Friday there was an International Festival in my apartment building for all of our international students. Over ten countries were represented with presentations, talent shows, and of course food. I have to give a shout out to Iris and the other South Koreans who had the best food of the entire festival AND wrote my name in Korean. It will have a prime spot over my bed as soon as I get a chance and once I’m back at school.


Week Four March 3, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 10:12 am

I got to see Ford’s Theater!! We were supposed to be learning about the conspiracy my Mary Surratt and friends to assassinate Lincoln and his administration, but I was too distracted by the fact that Lincoln had been in the same building I was in. We was life masks of when he was alive and the clothes he was shot in and the bed he died in. Whoa!


Lincoln sat here!

Lincoln sat here!

Lincoln Life Mask Selfie!

Lincoln Life Mask Selfie!

and this is where he died :(

and this is where he died 😦

look! the Globe!

look! the Globe!

Sorry … I’m Lincoln obsessed. Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln. Ok. I’m done.

At work, I spent most of my week doing media tracking for all of February for our client and their competitors. It was hard work that took a while, but I did it. I always feel so good after completing a big project. Especially when I do it somewhat right!



Week Three

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 9:07 am

I met my Congressman this week! It was a rushed meeting because members of Congress are quite busy, but it was so interesting to meet with Congressman Keating. He told us a little bit about himself then took a couple of questions before we left. Since the meeting was so short, we took a tour of the Capitol building and sat in on a session. Nothing major was happening, but still cool.


I am the second one on the left, joined by other interns from my district. I didn’t know there were so many of us!

My internship was busy this week – the interns are helping to track media coverage for one of our clients. It was a lot to take in, but we handled it well! I was so proud of the four of us when we finished it – I know I was confused 99% of the time!

On Friday I met with Iris, Elisa, Michaela, Mariah (another Westfielder), and a few other friends for happy hour. I was expecting happy hour to be a bunch of professionals getting drunk for cheap, but it was just a bunch of people relaxing over cocktails! At least, that’s what we were doing. Also, I won’t complain over a $5 Jack and Coke.

Not much else happened this week. Since things were getting busy, I’ve been getting lazy. Rather than going out to do stuff, I value my pajamas and Pinterest. Eventually I’ll do more sightseeing…