Meredith Takes DC

Updates from my semester in Washington DC

Week Twelve April 28, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 9:35 pm

I’m pretty sure my week count is off…

At work, I did a few research projects, and contacted media for an event we’re overseeing! Also, I have started my portfolio for the semester, and that isn’t very fun. A lot of the work I have done for my internship is too complicated to print so I quickly need to find a way to do it.

I was accepted into the national communication honor society (Lambda Pi Eta) this week! Yay smartie pants!

A few of my friends and I made two trips to Union Market, where they have restaurants and produce. It’s a really cute place and I am in love with it!

Also, we went to another Nationals game. When tickets are only $17 and you don’t feel like going out to a bar, baseball is probably one of the best choices you can make.

On the train heading to the game, wearing my free Nats hat!

On the train heading to the game, wearing my free Nats hat!


Next week will probably be my last post 😦 It’ll be my last week here and I’ll be home two weeks from now, so I’ll be busy packing and saying my goodbyes to the city! I’m really excited to go home, but I will miss it here. Maybe someday, if the stars allow, I will be back living in DC  🙂


Week Eleven April 21, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 9:02 pm

This was another busy sightseeing week! For class, we discussed the importance of memorials and how people use them, which was very interesting. We visited Lincoln (yes!), The Korean War memorial, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial, the FDR Memorial, and the WWII Memorial.

IMG_1075 IMG_1065 IMG_1069On Saturday, I volunteered at a horse rehabilitation farm in The Middle of Nowhere, Maryland. The horses were all really pretty and kindly allowed us to shovel their poop. Surprisingly, shoveling poop was kinda fun!

This is my horse friend, Baja

This is my horse friend, Baja

Then on Sunday, we visited the Botanic Gardens! The plants were all so pretty and we learned quite a bit about plant species.

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Week Ten April 14, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 8:49 pm

This was a very slow work week and Friday seemed to be the worst day of the week. From the minute I woke up an hour too early, I was grumpy and nothing seemed to be going my way … until about 4 that afternoon. My boss came into the intern office and offered me a ticket to that night’s National’s game. First row behind home plate. All you can eat and all you can drink. Yeah. The spot was pretty sweet.

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The Nats ended up losing, but the game went 10 innings, so that was pretty cool for my first professional baseball game.

On Saturday I was awake early to volunteer at the Shirlington dog park with the Animal Welfare group. We spread mulch, dug holes, and most importantly played with puppies.

I got my library card for the Library of Congress this week! I was determined to find Harry Potter and read it at the library, but I don’t know how to find books in a library. It was still really cool to walk around and see all the different books they have. Plus, the library itself is absolutely gorgeous.


We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside, but here’s the water fountain outside!

Also, I finally made it out to Georgetown. Georgetown is so pretty! And the university is amazing. If it weren’t so expensive, I’d most likely transfer. We got Vietnamese food, walked around, shopped, and even saw the stairs from the Exorcist!



Those stairs were really creepy. Some crazy people decided to walk down them, which I don’t think I could ever do.


Weeks Seven, Eight, and Nine April 7, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 11:37 pm

Well, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted. Oops. This’ll be a big post then hopefully I can get back on track of posting weekly.


Week Seven

At work a potential client contacted us because they are looking for a PR firm. So the boss came in and asked me to research the company, which I did. Then, he asked for any ideas I may have for if we actually did represent them. We haven’t been in the office on the same days for a while, so I don’t really know what he thinks, but I was just excited to share my ideas!

I made it to the Air and Space Museum this week! This is my second favorite museum (behind American History). Here are a couple pictures:



Also, I went to Ben’s Chili Bowl with my class. Everyone needs to get here at least once in their lives. I am absolutely in love with this place. Although I didn’t get a half smoke… Next time 🙂

I held an informational interview this week via email with Dr. Mark Ashwill from Capstone Vietnam. We met while I was in Hanoi last summer and have kept in touch through email. I asked him questions about how he uses his blog and other forms of social media for his company. It was very informative (hence informational) and I got some good advice to make my blog successful.

I found a Dunkin Donuts. They must’ve know that I missed them because rather than giving me one bagel, they gave me four. That basically made my week!

Week Eight




I didn’t get to see the whole museum, but luckily I could never ever get sick of this place so I’ll go back.

I had lunch with a man I met in February at an event we had at work. We had a great conversation with topics ranging from if Lincoln had survived his assassination to why Harry Potter is better than Twilight. If I can talk about Lincoln and Harry Potter with someone, I know they’ll be a good friend.

At our programming we had a speaker who graduated from Westfield! It was very uplifting to meet a comm major who actually has a job. He gave me hope that someday I may do something besides work at McDonald’s.

Then I flew home and saw my puppy … and my family and Timmy. It was a quick visit, but I got a taste of home while also getting far away from the busy city life.


Week Nine

After being home, this week seemed to drag. I did get to the gym every day as I train for my Spartan Race!

On Friday I had a tour of the Washington Post! We got to see archives such as the Nixon Resigns paper and their Watergate / Vietnam files. It was a lot of fun to just nerd out and talk newspapers. I did decide that I will not be going into the journalism profession because they said that they get yelled at a lot and I’m just way too sensitive for that. I’ll stick with PR and maybe someday just open my own firm and be a boss.

On Saturday I went to the cherry blossomless Cherry Blossom Festival. There were military bands performing and fireworks! Then on Sunday we walked around the Mall and I finally made it to see the Jefferson Memorial! There were a total of four cherry blossom trees. It was still a gorgeous day, though!

My favorite thing of my entire time in DC happened on Sunday, however. We were playing volleyball on the lawn behind the Jefferson Memorial with a bunch of people. As if that wasn’t awesome enough, a bunch of Asian tourists came and joined us. They didn’t speak a word of English, but we all played together and it was great! Their friends took pictures of all of us together so we’ll probably end up in their scrapbooks 🙂

Here are a few pictures from exploring the “cherry blossoms”:




Until next week! … I hope 😉