Meredith Takes DC

Updates from my semester in Washington DC

Weeks Seven, Eight, and Nine April 7, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 11:37 pm

Well, it’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted. Oops. This’ll be a big post then hopefully I can get back on track of posting weekly.


Week Seven

At work a potential client contacted us because they are looking for a PR firm. So the boss came in and asked me to research the company, which I did. Then, he asked for any ideas I may have for if we actually did represent them. We haven’t been in the office on the same days for a while, so I don’t really know what he thinks, but I was just excited to share my ideas!

I made it to the Air and Space Museum this week! This is my second favorite museum (behind American History). Here are a couple pictures:



Also, I went to Ben’s Chili Bowl with my class. Everyone needs to get here at least once in their lives. I am absolutely in love with this place. Although I didn’t get a half smoke… Next time 🙂

I held an informational interview this week via email with Dr. Mark Ashwill from Capstone Vietnam. We met while I was in Hanoi last summer and have kept in touch through email. I asked him questions about how he uses his blog and other forms of social media for his company. It was very informative (hence informational) and I got some good advice to make my blog successful.

I found a Dunkin Donuts. They must’ve know that I missed them because rather than giving me one bagel, they gave me four. That basically made my week!

Week Eight




I didn’t get to see the whole museum, but luckily I could never ever get sick of this place so I’ll go back.

I had lunch with a man I met in February at an event we had at work. We had a great conversation with topics ranging from if Lincoln had survived his assassination to why Harry Potter is better than Twilight. If I can talk about Lincoln and Harry Potter with someone, I know they’ll be a good friend.

At our programming we had a speaker who graduated from Westfield! It was very uplifting to meet a comm major who actually has a job. He gave me hope that someday I may do something besides work at McDonald’s.

Then I flew home and saw my puppy … and my family and Timmy. It was a quick visit, but I got a taste of home while also getting far away from the busy city life.


Week Nine

After being home, this week seemed to drag. I did get to the gym every day as I train for my Spartan Race!

On Friday I had a tour of the Washington Post! We got to see archives such as the Nixon Resigns paper and their Watergate / Vietnam files. It was a lot of fun to just nerd out and talk newspapers. I did decide that I will not be going into the journalism profession because they said that they get yelled at a lot and I’m just way too sensitive for that. I’ll stick with PR and maybe someday just open my own firm and be a boss.

On Saturday I went to the cherry blossomless Cherry Blossom Festival. There were military bands performing and fireworks! Then on Sunday we walked around the Mall and I finally made it to see the Jefferson Memorial! There were a total of four cherry blossom trees. It was still a gorgeous day, though!

My favorite thing of my entire time in DC happened on Sunday, however. We were playing volleyball on the lawn behind the Jefferson Memorial with a bunch of people. As if that wasn’t awesome enough, a bunch of Asian tourists came and joined us. They didn’t speak a word of English, but we all played together and it was great! Their friends took pictures of all of us together so we’ll probably end up in their scrapbooks 🙂

Here are a few pictures from exploring the “cherry blossoms”:




Until next week! … I hope 😉


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