Meredith Takes DC

Updates from my semester in Washington DC

Week Four March 3, 2013

Filed under: Uncategorized — Meredith Winnett @ 10:12 am

I got to see Ford’s Theater!! We were supposed to be learning about the conspiracy my Mary Surratt and friends to assassinate Lincoln and his administration, but I was too distracted by the fact that Lincoln had been in the same building I was in. We was life masks of when he was alive and the clothes he was shot in and the bed he died in. Whoa!


Lincoln sat here!

Lincoln sat here!

Lincoln Life Mask Selfie!

Lincoln Life Mask Selfie!

and this is where he died :(

and this is where he died 😦

look! the Globe!

look! the Globe!

Sorry … I’m Lincoln obsessed. Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln. Ok. I’m done.

At work, I spent most of my week doing media tracking for all of February for our client and their competitors. It was hard work that took a while, but I did it. I always feel so good after completing a big project. Especially when I do it somewhat right!